HOME / BLOG / Liz Hess Gallery to Close

At the end of February, Liz will be closing her gallery doors.
“I have taken a year to process this decision, but made my final plan about a month ago. I have had my gallery for 19 years and have loved every minute, but now some new opportunities have come my way, including some art projects abroad. After carefully considering all my options, I came to the conclusion that I couldn’t do both; run a local gallery and take on these upcoming art opportunities. Could I hire someone to manage my gallery full time while I involve myself in these new projects? Of course! But since I also create the products I sell in my gallery, I don’t see how I could make it all work. Something would suffer and I’m afraid it would be my gallery walls.”

So after 19 years of loving being downtown, Liz has decided to offer other artists the opportunity to have her space. A couple will be moving in and creating their own art gallery in her former location on Gallery Row, with plans to open on First Friday, March 7.

On a personal note, as an artist Liz is not going anywhere. She will still have her website and still be working full time as an artist, but just in a different capacity involving travel and other art projects.

You will also notice a very different direction Liz will be going in her art subject matter. She will be discontinuing her signature red umbrella line which she launched 23 years ago in 2002.
“I have loved creating it, but what I will be doing next I love even more!”
You may continue to follow Liz here on the site and on her gallery Facebook page where she’ll be posting the latest updates and keeping you informed.

Those of you who have collected Liz’s art over the years will be encouraged to know that any originals of hers that you own will now greatly increase in value since no new ones will be added to the collection. And for those of you who have been eyeing any in her gallery, now is your chance. She has just a few originals left. You can find them here on the website under Available Originals: https://www.lizhess.com/shop-art/?_art_categories=originals

Until Feb. 21, you will find Liz about 3 days a week at the Gallery. Please drop by to say “hello”. During the winter the Gallery is open Tues, Thurs, Fri, and Sat (closed Sun, Mon, and Wed). Don’t forget that Sat, Feb. 8 is the annual Art Coffee Crawl from 11 am – 2 pm. See you soon!